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Heating Repairs New Orleans Homeowners Can Trust

Lone Wolf Air Conditioning & Heating has owners and workers who are from this region and know all the weak points a furnace or water pump can face in our volatile climate. While so much focus for New Orleans homeowners is on air conditioning, the lack of focus on heating systems can add up to big repair bills or the unit's failure. 

The most important service we offer is emergency repairs, and you can read our page dedicated to that topic but
if this is an emergency, don’t hesitate - call us now at 504-459-9653.

Some common fault lines in heating systems include:

  • Clogged filters can do as much damage to the mandatory cool air in the summer as they can to your home’s heating process. 
  • Dirt and clogging in the blower assembly pose another risk for heat reduction or air quality concerns. 
  • Aged furnaces connected to gas lines pose a potentially critical threat to your family’s safety. Any suspected gas leak should be reported immediately. 
  • Thermostats can be finicky, especially if they are older.
  • Weather damage from storm debris to flooding can impact the function and reliability of a heat pump or furnace. You should have your systems checked after every major storm. 
  • Lack of maintenance will add more dirt, debris, and dangerous elements to your unit while possibly spreading those pollutants into the air you breathe.

Any burning or gas smell is not normal. Call us at 504-459-9653 for immediate service if you experience either of these dangerous risks. 

Our certified team of experts provides efficient and reliable service to quickly repair any issue with your heating system. Whether it’s a blown fuse, a busted thermostat, or a bigger issue, you can trust we’ll approach your home repair as if it was for our own family.

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